From time to time you will find yourself wanting to change multiple instances of a given colour throughout a design and I often get asked if there is a way to replace a colour throughout all the pages of a design as opposed to having to change each colour individually.

And the answer is yes, Canva does have a feature to help you do this, and I’ll show you how to use it in this tutorial.

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So let’s take a look at a presentation template. This Olive porch organics presentation template not surprisingly uses an olive green as the primary text colour throughout this design, so if I wanted to update the colour of this heading text, I could simply select the text box, and then come up to the text colour settings and change it like this..

And then I could change the colour of “fresh market delivery service” as well.

But what you might’ve noticed when I changed the colour of that text is that an option appears in the bottom area of the text colour settings that provides you with a button that says “change all”. So let’s try this out instead.

I’m going to select another text box and I’ll change the text colour to my navy blue brand color and now when that change all option appears, you can see that it asks if I want to change every instance of olive green to navy blue so I’m going to say change all…

And it will automatically change the colour across all pages of the design, as you can see when I put the presentation design into grid view mode.

So this can be an incredible time savings. However keep in mind that it is going to change every instance of a given color, including potentially design elements that you don’t necessarily want to change.

For example, if you have a colour that is being used for a piece of text but is also used as a background colour on another page of your design, you’re going to find that the background colour will change as well.

So use this feature carefully, and be sure to look over your design in detail afterwards to ensure that nothing has been changed that you didn’t want to be altered.

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