In this video, I’ll show you how Canva’s latest update now lets you reorder your starred folders, designs, and custom sections in Canva Glow Up.

As of October 4, 2024, you can now easily drag and re-order starred items in the “Your Starred” area of your Canva workspace.

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In a previous video, I walked you through how to use the new “Your Starred” feature in Canva’s Glow Up interface, making it easier to quickly access your most frequently used items. If you missed that video, I’ve linked to it below this video, so you can check it out.

In that original tutorial, I mentioned that you had to be strategic about the order you star items because when this feature was first launched, you couldn’t reorder starred items.

Well, that’s no longer the case as Canva has just introduced the ability to reorder your starred items. This new feature makes it much easier to keep everything organized exactly the way you want it.

So let’s walk through how it works.

To reorder your starred folders, designs, or sections, all you need to do is click on the item you want to move, then drag it to its new position. You’ll notice a purple line appearing, which shows you where it’s going to be placed once you let go of the item.

Now, there are still a couple of things to keep in mind:

First, sections will always appear above your starred folders and designs, and you can’t mix folders and sections together in the order. But you *can* reorder individual starred files amongst starred folders.

You can also reorder your custom sections, as well as the contents within those sections.

This update is a great improvement and I hope this new feature saves you even more time as you organize your Canva account. And don’t forget to check out the original tip video if you need a refresher on how to star items.

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