Struggling to find images after uploading them to Canva? Canva’s Smart Tagging feature helps you stay organized by automatically analyzing your uploaded images and applying relevant tags based on objects, colors, or other detectable elements, making them easy to search for later.
In this video, you’ll learn:
- What Smart Tagging Is: How Canva’s AI simplifies image organization.
- Why It’s Helpful: Save time, streamline searches, and enjoy extra organization, even without folders.
- How to Manage Tags: Review, refine, or add custom tags for complete control over your uploaded images.
Smart Tagging is a great tool for anyone managing multiple projects, clients, or campaigns. Watch now to see how it can simplify your Canva workflow.
Resources Mentioned
- Free Trial of Canva Pro (Affiliate Link)
If you’ve ever uploaded an image to Canva and struggled to find it later, you’re going to love Canva’s smart tagging feature. It’s a feature designed to automatically add relevant tags to your uploaded images, making them easier to find later. You don’t even have to lift a finger to tag things yourself—Canva does it automatically!
(Though it’s worth noting that tagging is a Canva Pro feature, so if you’re on the free plan, this might be the perfect excuse to give Pro a try.)
What Is Smart Tagging?
Smart tagging uses Canva’s AI to analyze the images you upload and automatically adds tags to make them easier to find later. These tags are based on the content of your uploads, like objects, colours, or other detectable elements of the image.
For example, let’s say you upload a styled stock photo of a keyboard and a blue hydrangea. Canva’s smart tagging might add tags like floral, office, white, or laptop.
These tags make your image searchable without you having to do anything.
Why Is Smart Tagging So Helpful?
Smart tagging takes a lot of the effort out of staying organized, especially if you have a ton of images in your Canva account. Here are a few reasons it can be a helpful tool:
It Saves Time
Canva’s AI takes care of applying general tags like colors or object types for you. However, if you need highly specific or personalized tags, such as a brand name or event title, you’ll still need to manage those manually.
It Makes Search Easier
If you’re looking for something very specific and want to quickly narrow your results without going into your folder system, you can type a keyword like “floral” or “blue hydrangea” into the search bar and instantly find what you need.
It Works Without Folders
While I’m a big advocate for creating a Canva filing system to keep your assets organized, smart tagging is an excellent additional layer of organization. For those who find search more intuitive than retrieving assets through a folder system, making the most of tagging can be incredibly helpful.
If you’re juggling multiple projects, campaigns, or clients, this feature makes it so much easier to locate what you need when you need it.
How to Find and Manage Tags
While Canva’s smart tagging does most of the work for you, there may be times when you want to review or refine the tags applied to an image.
Start by heading to the Projects tab and locating the uploaded image you’d like to manage.Hover over the image, and you’ll see a sample smart tag along with the total number of tags Canva has generated. Clicking the small arrow icon to the right of the tag list (which says “View Tags” when you hover over it) will allow you to see all the applied tags.
If a tag doesn’t feel relevant, you can remove it by clicking the small ‘x’ next to the tag in the tagging window. This applies to both smart tags and custom tags, giving you control over what stays and what goes.
You can also add your own custom tags to images within the same tagging interface as smart tagging. Manual tags are visually separated from smart tags, so you can easily distinguish the ones you’ve added yourself. Simply type in the keywords you want to use, press Enter to save each one, and these custom tags will appear alongside Canva’s smart tags.