A great way to infuse a little bit of branding into your broadcast emails and automated email sequences is to add a custom header image, and I’ve been getting quite a few questions lately about the specific design size I use in Canva to create my own email header.

I’ve been told it appears crisp and clear whereas some of you are ending up with fuzzy looking email headers.

So in this super quick video tip, I’ll walk you through exactly what I do.

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Let’s hop into Canva and you can use Canva’s default email header design size of 600 pixels wide by 200 pixels tall.

From here, you could create a custom header, or if you want to start with a template, you could choose one from the template results on the left side .

Or, rather than creating a fresh design, you could start from the template library and choose a template from there.

Regardless of how you create your design, once it’s ready to download, the key is going to be to download a larger version of the design.

When you go to the download setting options under the Share button, you’ll see that its default size is set to 1, which will be the 600 pixels by 200 pixels size that the design was created at. But, I can also change the size to download it as 2 or 3 times its size, and that is what’s going to create a much more crisp and clear version of your header when you add it to your email marketing program.

The ability to download your design at a different size is a Pro feature, but if you don’t have Pro, I would suggest that you just create your header design at the larger size to begin with. So for example, instead of 600×200, you could create your header design at 1800×600 pixels.

So here’s a quick comparison of how those render in ConvertKit, which is the platform I use for my own email marketing.

On the bottom is my banner at the original 600×200 default size and you can see that it’s a bit fuzzy and pixelated, especially around the text components of the design and my verified badge.

Whereas the actual email header I use, which is this top one, that’s the 3x size version and you can see how much more clear that is.

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