Maybe you participate in a lot of bundles or memberships, or perhaps you just have a love affair with purchasing Canva templates.

Either way, you have likely accumulated a LOT of templates in your Canva account.If you’ve found it difficult to corral all your templates into some sort of organized system, today’s quick tutorial is for you!

While it’s important to create an organizational structure that works for how you intuitively browse for your designs and images, sometimes it can help to have a system to start with.

So in this video, I’ll show you what I typically recommend for tackling your Canva template clutter.​

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It is incredibly easy to collect a lot of templates in your Canva workspace and you may be wondering how to best organize the templates and template bundles that you’ve purchased.

The first thing I would recommend you do is update the name of any templates you’ve added to your account to remove the “Copy of” portion, just to keep things a bit more tidy.

Next, I would recommend you create a dedicated folder for your templates and then move all of your purchased templates into that folder.

I’d suggest creating a top level folder for all of your Templates, and then a subfolder beneath that for each of your template sources.

So for example, if you’ve purchased any of my template bundles, you may have a folder for Brenda Cadman. Then you could have another folder for each of your other third party template sources.

So here’s what it might look like if you purchased my Full Collection bundle… a top level Templates folder, a subfolder for Brenda Cadman, then within that folder you may have a folder for each of the bundles, for example one for the Social Media Bundle, one for the Lead Magnet Bundle, and so on.

And then your templates can live inside their relevant folder.

Once you’ve organized your templates into their respective folders, there is one more step I’m going to recommend to ensure that you can easily make a copy of a template anytime you need to in the future, without worrying that you might accidentally overwrite the original.

To do that, you’re going to save the design as a Brand Template, rather than just relying on duplicating that design each time.

Note that you do need to have a Canva Pro account in order to save a design as a brand template.

You’ll open each template design and then click on the share button in the top right corner. You may see an option in this area below the purple button that says “Brand Template” and that’s what we’re looking for here, but if you don’t see it listed, you can find it by going to the More section here… and then you should see the Brand Template option here, so let’s click on that.

You’ll see that you have the option to publish your design as a brand template, but before you do that, make sure to update the destination folder here, and you’ll want to make sure that you’ve selected the appropriate folder that you created to organize your template designs.

I’m going to select the appropriate folder and then I’ll publish the template.

So now when I open up that templates folder, and click on that design, rather than having it open up automatically as a regular design, it is going to instead give me an option to either use this template, in which case it will make a copy of it … Or I can choose to edit the original template itself.

As a final note, ensure that when you click on your brand templates in the future, make sure to use the template, not edit the original.

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